Monday, December 3, 2012


Brother Shannon Jones and I had our first planning meeting for Climb To End Poverty 2, and came to some conclusions:
  • We plan to climb sometime in Sept or Oct 2013
  • Lemosho looks to be our favored route
  • Undecided yet on taking the Western Breach or Barranco Wall
  • Guides are undecided...but we don't want to be part of a big group
We started reading together John Bowling's Making The Climb.  In the book, he recounts how Johann Rebman, the European who led the first expedition to Mt. Kilimanjaro in May 1848, described the mountain:

"There are two main peaks, which arise from a common base measuring some 25 miles long by as many broad.  They are separate by a saddle depression, running east and west for a distance of about 8 or 10 miles.  The eastern peak is the lower of the two, and is conical in shape.  The western and higher presents the appearance of a magnificent dome, and is covered by snow throughout the year, unlike its eastern neighbor which loses its snow during the hot season.  By the Swahili at the coast, the mountain is known as Kilimanjaro (Mountain of Greatness) but the Wa-Jagga call it KIBO, from the snow with which it is permanently capped."

Lots and lots remains to do: planning, training, fundraising.  But in the famous words of Plato:

"The beginning is the most important part of the work."

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Last night, after over a year of discussions since my first climb of Mt. Kenya in Sept 2012, my good buddy, Shannon Jones, and I met at his house to discuss the next Climb To End Poverty: to summit together Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tazania, the highest mountain in Africa and the highest free-standing mountain in the world at 19,341 feet (5,895 meters).

The goals of this Climb are the same as last:
  • To raise money to help End Poverty in a sustainable manner in the village of Kager, Kenya with the Jubilee Village Project
  • To take a multi-day natural retreat with God and His Creation
  • To check one of our biggest things off our personal Bucket Lists
Now the planning begins:
  • Which route?
  • Which guides?
  • Which days?
Any one that wants to join us should contact Ned Campbell at

Friday, May 25, 2012


On February 27,2012, the expansion to the Medical Dispensary was officially dedicated to the village.  The first phase of the expansion more than doubled the size of the facility and will include Labor and Delivery, a full Pharmacy, and Maternal and Child Health capabilities. 

The dedication event was held in the courtyard area of the dispensary.  Those invited to attend and speak included the area chief, the assistant area chief, local politicians, the Village Health Committee Chairman, the Kenya Ministry of Health, the area Bishop as well as several other bishops, and the Education Committee. Approximately 350 people were in attendance with the ceremonies starting around 9:00 and ending around 2:00.  The entire building was prayed over by many of those in attendance laying hands on the outside of the building during prayer.  Each person was invited in for a tour of the facility.

The Ministry of Health indicated a final inspection will be executed once a few recommendations are complete.  The result of the inspection will elevate the medical dispensary to a Kenyan Ministry of Health Certified Level 3 Health Center, which will enable the facility to offer more services, receive additional support from the Ministry of Health, and greatly improve the Health of the villagers.  A 40 foot container full of medical equipment and supplies is due to arrive at the Health Center within a week or so.  The contents will fill the entire facility and fulfill the expansion process. 

The increased services of the Health Center will help meet the medical needs of an additional 15 villages spanning a 10-mile radius of Kager.  The Ministry of Health has recognized the great work God is doing in this village and with this medical facility.   The Ministry of Health and has stated their full support will be given- even going as far as mentioning a Level 4 status in the future. 

Congratulations and thank you to all who helped make the facility expansion and medical equipment/supplies acquisition possible.  You are truly appreciated and you have helped change the face of healthcare not just in Kager village, but in the entire region of Kochia.

Monday, March 5, 2012


Enjoying Gregory Peck, Ava Gardner and Susan Hayward tonight:

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Well, hard to believe, but after just five months since ground breaking, the construction is complete.  Here are the latest pics from the village.  Next post will be from the dedication by the Village Visit 10 team being led by Tony LeCount, Health and Nutrition Global Partner.  Amazing!!!

New Expansion and Existing Dispensary

Back Side of the Expansion

Future Laboratory

Existing Clinic Remodeled

Future Running Water!!!

Saturday, January 28, 2012


My great friend, Myrna Dowden, painted this for me as a lasting memory for my Climb To End Poverty.  It's almost like being there...

AWESOME gift Queen Jar Head has been given by God....

Sunday, January 8, 2012


God blessed us with a sunny, 55-degree day this last Saturday to stage and pack our sea container of medical equipment and supplies to ship to Kager in the upcoming weeks. 25 volunteers gathered from the JVP family and were directed by Shep, Bob, Dan and Bruce of FAME met to "get 'er dun" -- 2,560 cubit feet of medical goods with a total value $300,000 packed in a 40 x 8 x 8 ft sea container in 3 hours.

When we arrived, the guys from FAME had all the equipment already staged and palletized. A Basic Utility Vehicle (BUV) ( )was already loaded and they had built a wooden garage around it to allow us to maximize the pack.  Then the symphony of logistics beds, wheelchairs, ultrasounds, blood pressure cuffs all went in to fill every nook and cranny in the container. Then desks, birthing beds, stretchers. Then books and art supplies from Franklin Middle School and Anne Okello's friends out east for the schools of Kager and Angiro. Then PETs ( ) - personal energy transportation vehicles. Finally, 3 pallets of high-nutrition rice, soy, veggie and vitamin casserole ( ) to pack in the last 5 feet of the container.

It truly was amazing to see it come together and fit into the container. We can't wait to hear the praises we know will be lifted up when the container arrives in Kager and the villagers open it up and begin the unloading process.

On behalf of the the Jubilee Village Project, I want to thank all of the organizations that came together to make this sea container shipment possible:

- Duke Realty, CareLink
- Hospital Sisters Mission Outreach

I want to also thank all of the Climb To End Poverty supporters again. Without your support, there would be no clinic expansion for all of this equipment to go into. Truly God continues to work before our very eyes to make this all possible.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012


If only the remodel of the bathroom in my home could go this quickly!

Hard to believe that in just three months, the Medical Clinic expansion has gone from groundbreaking to ceiling board hanging...

...bottom line is the villagers of Kager are motivated to have improved healthcare in their village and be ready for Team Indiana to be in Kager for Village Visit 9 in late February.

Here is the latest update and pics from David Kayando:

"I hope this finds you well and had a wonderful start of the year 2012. It is sometime before I send pictures on the progress of the dispensary expansion work.   
The work has been going on earnestly well with great progress. We are now through with both the interior and exterior wall and floor plastering.

We have done all the door fittings, all electricity wiring and there is now power in the new building.

The work going on currently is putting up of the ceiling board, curtain box and painting. As you can see from the pictures attached, we have began painting of the Phaser-board, and the window grills. We plan to paint the roof of the old building similar to the color of the new building."