God blessed us with a sunny, 55-degree day this last Saturday to stage and pack our sea container of medical equipment and supplies to ship to Kager in the upcoming weeks. 25 volunteers gathered from the JVP family and were directed by Shep, Bob, Dan and Bruce of FAME met to "get 'er dun" -- 2,560 cubit feet of medical goods with a total value $300,000 packed in a 40 x 8 x 8 ft sea container in 3 hours.
When we arrived, the guys from FAME had all the equipment already staged and palletized. A Basic Utility Vehicle (BUV) (
http://www.drivebuv.org/ )was already loaded and they had built a wooden garage around it to allow us to maximize the pack. Then the symphony of logistics began...hospital beds, wheelchairs, ultrasounds, blood pressure cuffs all went in to fill every nook and cranny in the container. Then desks, birthing beds, stretchers. Then books and art supplies from Franklin Middle School and Anne Okello's friends out east for the schools of Kager and Angiro. Then PETs (
http://www.petinternational.org/ ) - personal energy transportation vehicles. Finally, 3 pallets of high-nutrition rice, soy, veggie and vitamin casserole (
http://www.kidsagainsthunger.org/ ) to pack in the last 5 feet of the container.
It truly was amazing to see it come together and fit into the container. We can't wait to hear the praises we know will be lifted up when the container arrives in Kager and the villagers open it up and begin the unloading process.
On behalf of the the Jubilee Village Project, I want to thank all of the organizations that came together to make this sea container shipment possible:
Duke Realty, CareLink
Hospital Sisters Mission Outreach
I want to also thank all of the Climb To End Poverty supporters again. Without your support, there would be no clinic expansion for all of this equipment to go into. Truly God continues to work before our very eyes to make this all possible.