Sunday, November 20, 2011


A weekly update from David Kayando on the clinic expansion progress:

"I want to share the joy of how the dispensary expansion work is coming forth. You can see apart from the rafters which are up, we already have the Phaser Board well placed. The iron sheets will be up as from Tuesday next week.

What a mighty God we serve!!!! Thank you all for your support. This is completely changing the face of the dispensary and giving Kager as a village a completely new look.

For me it is a long time dream. After many years of work with great struggles with the Dispensary, what I thought would not happen and no one ever thought will be there, God at his own time has made it possible. He knows us better than we know ourselves and has great plans for us.

This morning I pray for you to find strength and joy in Him, knowing that he holds the future for you. Be comforted and may his grace be sufficient for you to take you through the valleys and mountains ahead."