Last night, my wife (Melissa) asked me, "Why in the world do you want to climb a mountain?"...and it made gave me real reaso to stop and think about her question. We didn't talk much more about it, but she did make me realize that wanting to climb Mt. Kenya is just a little bit off the beaten path of most normal people...but I think that probably is part of the answer.
I kind of have to laugh this morning about this, too. As I sit here and write this, today is my 49th birthday. I pretty much recognize that my life is probably past half over, but I think I still am on the ASCENT OF LIFE and really desiring to learn and grow. I have come to learn over my 49 years that doesn't come as much for me from watching and listening and learning from others, but from going and experiencing new things on my own. From a purely human point of view, I guess my response to the question is not "because the mountain is there to climb", but "because this is something I haven't done before in my life."
But I think more importantly there is a spiritual dimension to this quest that I still don't have an answer to yet. I feel over the last couple of years with my involvement and starting of the Jubilee Village Project, God has called me to a new mountain in my own personal life transformation. I have really just begun a new ascent in life that is of greatest significance to my life and the life of many others on two different continents. Two years into this very serious "spiritual life trek", I know God is calling us forward to climb a mountain He has set before us.
So somehow I see this climb as maybe being an intersection of two different paths of my life -- the intersection of 1) a human being hitting mid-life (my kids may say I am already "over the hill") and looking for a new adventure in life 2) a spiritual being and follower of Jesus just beginning to experience the abundant life and this is just a trek God has called me to take right now.
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." - Psalm 119:105