As I was in the Indy terminal, I watched the Flight 93 memorial dedication today on TV...a sober reminder that flying is not without risk. GWB said in his speech, “Evil is real, and so is courage” and these words really spoke to me as I begin this adventure.
The realities facing our world today are very real – evil, oppression, injustice, poverty – they lurk in the darkness and strike terror in the hearts and lives of many.
But we do not need to live in fear if we walk in step with God and trust Him to be our provider and protector --- courage, compassion, love, sacrifice – they are the tools He provides for us to become overcomers and to help the poor.
As I leave our great country on this great adventure, I look forward to being an ambassador:
- an ambassador for Christ: to share the good news with those I meet
- an ambassador for Indiana: to share of the good works Hoosiers are doing all across Africa
- an ambassador for the USA: to share the message of life, liberty and justice for all around the world
- an ambassador for the Jubilee Village Project: to share with others that it really is possible to change the world, one village at a time
I am so thankful for the 70+ Climb supporters that have pledged over $19,000 to help expand the medical clinic in Kager. I am so thankful for my fellow Team Indiana members as they have encouraged me with their examples of service and sacrifice. I am so thankful to Al and Keith who will meet up with me in seven days and experience life in the village with me.
This morning, I opened my email and was gladly greeted by this message to all of JVP Team Indiana by Apostle David Kayando. It was a real encouragement to me and it never ceases to amaze me how David is used by God to minister and teach me through his words:
“Greetings to you in Jesus Name. It is my prayer that this email finds you all alert in the spirit and continues with the spiritual warfare amidst the cloud of confusion within our world.
I know in the USA memories of the 9/11 is beginning to take toll in the hearts of the people, especially the affected families whose relatives and friends perished in the demonic acts by the al-Qaida group of terrorists. It is indeed sad and regrettable of what happened. I know the same feat continues to hurt many families each year when the day comes, and I know a lot of security checks are always in place to curb future occurrences.
On the same reference, I have wondered each time what security checks we have put on our Christian lives not to live in fear any longer from the threats of the devil, and to be sure that our security is well taken care of by the heavenly father, so long as we remain in Him and He in us? Do we know that He is our rock of refuge, a strong tower and that we belong to the City who gates are guarded by the heavenly angels? I would love to reflect on this and trump fear each time the devil brings a threat and know how great our God is.
I wanted to remind you of this, since this has struck my heart, for our brother Ned leaves the country today for Kenya and Keith and Al will leave for Kenya next week. Already there is suspected terrorist attack threats which I know is not taken lightly by the security agents. I would love for us to commit the next three weeks to be ringing an alarm of prayer for the families of Ned, Keith and Al that they be in perfect peace as their partners travel abroad. That they may be assured that the One who is in us is greater than him who is in the world.
So no fear should grip their hearts. As our brothers travel, they will find every door open for their entry, and no customs challenges will be on their way. During this time, let's all lift up the American families all over the world, and most importantly that we will all come to know Jesus as our Savior and the way to heaven.
Dear Partners, I pray that God will keep you safe this time and renew your strength and desire to live to the calling of serving the people of Kager as your brothers. Thank you for understanding them, praying for them, encouraging them and loving them without boundaries. You have wiped the times of weeping on their faces and they have begun to see the light and most importantly the joy of salvation.
May His love be with you today,